All Educational Assistants and Educational Assistant Subs are expected to meet the requirements for Highly Qualified. Educational Assistants can demonstrate that they are Highly Qualified via one of the following:
- Provide college transcripts with 60 credits.
- Have an Associates Degree (minimum)
- Passed the ETS Paraprofessional test. The test, which consists of 90 questions, is administered by the St. Joseph County ISD, 62445 Shimmel Road Centreville, Michigan 49032. PHONE NUMBER (269) 467-5437 or email Audra Franz [email protected] (this is a 2 1/2 hour timed test). No calculators will be allowed. You can also register for and take the test at online
If you have questions about becoming Highly Qualified please contact Amy Albarran at (269) 659-1504. Please visit the link below for more information and a practice ETS test.