Viceroy Program
Starting in the 2024-2025 School Year, students will typically attend the Viceroy Program as opposed to getting sent home or going to In-School Suspension (ISS) for the assigned day(s). Having said this, there may be occasions when administration determines that an assignment is not appropriate, and an Out-of-School (OSS) or ISS is assigned.

(1) not all students mind getting sent home and (2) the Viceroy Program will be designed to ensure that students stay on-top of school work; engage in a meaningful consequence; and reflect, learn, set goals.

What is a Viceroy?
Viceroy Butterflies are native to Michigan and transform into beautiful butterflies that look similar to Monarch Butterflies. We selected this name for the program, because the program is designed to support positive change.

Where will the program be located at?
The Viceroy Program will be located at Sturgis Central Commons (107 W. West Street) in rooms 200 & 204, and students will attend for the days that they normally would be assigned an OSS or ISS.

What will a student's day look like, should they attend the program?
Their day will include several Academic Blocks, Community Service Block, and a Reflection Block/Goal Setting Block.

How many staff will be assigned to the program?
The program has four staff members: One teacher, one mentor, and two community service mentors.


*Students are to report to the South Entrance at Sturgis Central Commons (across from the Library on W. West St.) no earlier than 7:30am and no later than 7:40am. If you arrive prior to 7:30am, please have your student stay in their vehicle until 7:30am. This will ensure that there are not issues between students prior to supervision being onsite.

*If a student arrives after 7:40am, they will be sent home and it will count as an unexcused absence, which will count towards truancy. If a student does not show up to the Viceroy Program on an assigned day, they will be sent home and it will count as an unexcused absence, which will count towards truancy. In both cases, students will be assigned a make-up day at either the Viceroy Program or at ISS.

*If your student needs a ride to and/or from the Viceroy Program, please communicate this with your building's Assistant Principal ahead of time.

*We strongly encourage students to leave all personal items at home or in their vehicle, because personal items will be collected when they check-in at the South Entrance.

*Students are expected to adhere to the following expectations while attending the Viceroy Program (1) no talking, (2) no cell phones, (3) stay in your assigned seat, and (4) keep your hands to yourself. Students that continue to not follow these expectations will be sent home, and marked OSS for the rest of the day. For this reason, parents need to remain available to pickup their student should they not successfully complete their day.

*Students that damage or destroy program equipment will be invoiced for the replacement cost of the item: Earbuds $1.00, Vest $2.50, Spray Bottle $5.00, Dust Pan $10.00, Broom $20.00, Trash Grabber $20.00, Extension Chord $30.00, Garden Rake $40.00, Leaf Rake $40.00, Vacuum $60.00, Chromebook $230.00, Station Partitions $500.00.

*The program ends at 2:35pm.